Head office
Mei Industrial Valves
Via Stipeti, 56
55060 Coselli (LU)
Ph. +39 0583 403265
Fax +39 0583 403138
Email [email protected]
Production manager
Mei Luca
Head of sales and marketing
Mei Martina
Sales Office
Purchase Department
Martina Mei (IMPORT)
Luca Mei (Italian suppliers purchases)
Technical and Quality Office
Alberto Moretti
Administration Office
Giacomo Gregori
Shipping Department
Federico Benetti

Contacts us
We offer a vast collection of spare parts so that we can support our clients even in the long term.
Via Stipeti 56
55060 Coselli - Lucca
Send us an email
Our representatives abroad

DEI Armatura Przemysłowa Sp. z o.o.
Poland representative
ul. Hutnicza 16
81-061 Gdynia
Ph. +48 512 353 423
Email. [email protected]
Rep. Mr. Paweł Mielczarek

Spain and Portugal representative
C/ Louis Pasteur, 4
Parque Tecnológico de Valencia
46980, Paterna – Valencia
Ph. +34 902 304 316
Email. [email protected]
Rep. Mirco Moscetti

BOM Robinetterie Industrielle
Representative France, Morocco, Algeria
ZA Est “Les Rubines”
24 rue Pierre Mendes France
69120 Vaulx-en-Velin
Ph. +33 (0)4 78 05 60 60
Email. [email protected]
Rep. Fabien Le Goascoz

Ahrendt Industriearmaturen
Representative Germany
Vorbruch 1
29227 Celle – Hamburg
Ph. +49 (0) 5141 – 97 89 101
Email. [email protected]
Rep. Felix Ahrendt